Features For All The Plans

Full GST Compatible

All the software which we are providing, are full GST compatible.

Completely Linux Based Software

Linux is a Unix-like, open source and community-developed operating system for computers, servers, mainframes, mobile devices and embedded devices. It is supported on almost every major computer platform including x86, ARM and SPARC, making it one of the most widely supported operating systems. So all the software we are providing are Linux Operating System based.

Own Dedicated, Reliable & Powerful Linux Servers

We provide you our own dedicated, reliable and powerful Linux Servers. Therefore there is no need to depend on any third party server.

DAS and Non-DAS Working Facility

Our software provides both Digital Addressable Systems and Non Digital Addressable Systems as well.

Multiple Gateway for 24X7 Seamless Working

Our software provides advanced multiple gateway system for 24X7 seamless working purpose.

Highest Level Security in Online Portal and Apps

Our software provides very high level security in case of online portal and apps.

Super-Fast Speed and 100% Safe Working

Our software has super fast speed and you can work safely by using this software.

Free SMS for Every Customer

We also provide free SMS fecility for each and every customer.

Free Online Payment Gateway

Our software has free online payment gateway for safely payment purpose.

Free Android Apps for Spot Billing and Collection

We also provide free android apps for spot billing and collection purpose.

Free 3rd Party SMS Gateway Support

We provide you free third party SMS gateway support.

Single and Multi-Customer SMS Sending Facility

We provide single and multi-customer SMS sending facility.

Spot Billing Machine Support for Instant Billing

We provide advanced spot billing machine for instant billing purpose.

Free Barcode /QR Code Scanning Module

Our software has free barcode/QR code scanning module.

Free Barcode /QR Code Printing Module

Our software also provides free barcode/QR code printing module through thermal bluetooth printer.

Customer and STB Database Import Facility

Our software has customer and set top box's database import facility.

Due Date Wise Automatic Due Remainder SMS

Our software has due date wise automatic due remainder SMS facility.

Separate Modules for LCO,MCR and MSO

Our software has separate modules for Local Cable Operator,Master Control Room and Multi System Operator.

Automatic Payment Reciept SMS Sending Facility

Our software has automatic payment reciept through SMS sending facility.

Unlimited Collector and User Entry

Our software provides unlimited collector and user entry.

Customer Photo and SAF Form Upload Facility

Our software has photo and Subscriber Application Form upload facility.

Live Dash Boards for LCO,MCR and MSO

Our software provides live dashboard for Local Cable Operator, Master Control Room and Multi System Operator.

Area/Collector/Operator/Package wise Due/Collection Report

Our software provides area/collector/operator/package wise due/collection reports.

Various Reports for Active,Deactive,Disconnected Customers

Our software provides various types of reports. Those are for Active, Deactive And Disconnected customers.

Ala-Carte-Channel Management and Billing Facility

Our software also provides Ala-Carte-Channel management and billing facility.

ID,Name,Mobile No,STB No,VC No. wise Advanced Search

Our software has ID,Name,Mobile No,STB No,VC No. wise advanced search system.

Customer Payment History View/Print Facility

Our software also has customer payment history view/print facility.

Transaction Modify Facility for Wrong Entry

Our software provides transaction modify facility for wrong entry.

Customer Rebate and Discount Facility

Our software provides rebate and discount facility.

Prepaid and Postpaid Billing

Our software provides prepaid and postpaid billing facility.

Repair STB Management

Our software has repair Set Top Box management module.

Inventory and Stock Management (Add On)

Our software has inventory and stock management module.

Office Account Management Software Description

In this section there are three important parts. They are Header, Data And Report section.

Header Section- In this section we can add a new header and view header lists.

Data Section- In this section there are two important parts are present. Those are Income and Expenditure.

  • In INCOME section, we can add, modify and view all income details.
  • In EXPENDITURE section, we can also add, modify and view all expenditure list.

Report Section- In this section there are four important parts. They are- Ledger, Income, Expenditure and Itemized report.

  • In LEDGER part, we can view Ledger report.
  • In INCOME part, we can view Income report.
  • In EXPENDITURE part, we can view Expenditure report.
  • And finally in ITEMIZED part, we can view the Itemized report.

So basically in this software, office account records are properly maintained.

Office Staff and Payroll Management (Add On)

Our software has office staff and payment management module.

Personal Account Management Software Description

In this section there are three parts,i.e. Header, Data And Report.

Header Section- In this section we can add a new header and view header lists.

Data Section- In this section there are two important parts. Those are Income and Expenditure.

  • In INCOME section, we can add, modify and view all income details.
  • In EXPENDITURE section, we can also add, modify and view all expenditure list.

Report Section- In this section there are four important parts. They are- Ledger, Income, Expenditure and Itemized report.

  • In LEDGER part, we can view Ledger report.
  • In INCOME part, we can view Income report.
  • In EXPENDITURE part, we can view Expenditure report.
  • And finally in ITEMIZED part, we can view the Itemized report.

So basically in this software, personal account details are properly maintained.

Internet Subscriber Management(Add On)

Our software has internet subscriber management module.

Digital Complaint Recorder(Add On)

Our software provides digital complaint recorder module.

Cable Subscriber Management Software Description

In this section there are five important parts. They are Dashboard,Master,Customer,Collection And Report.

Dashboard Part- In this part we can view Software Update Information.

Master Part- In this part there are twelve sections are present. Those are : Profile, Operator, Collector, Package, Zone, Area, Sub-Area, Channel Category, Channel, Set Top Box, Repair STB and Setting

  • In PROFILE section, we can add, modify and view all client's profile.
  • In OPERATOR section, we can view all operator's list.
  • In COLLECTOR section, we can add new collector and view all collector's list.
  • In PACKAGE section, we can add new package and view package list.
  • In ZONE section, we can add zone and also view zone list.
  • In AREA section, we can add and view all area list.
  • In SUB-AREA section, we can add sub-area and also view all sub-area list.
  • In CHANNEL CATEGORY section, we can add channel category and view all the list.
  • In CHANNEL section, we can add new channel and view the channel list.
  • In SET TOP BOX section, there are three different parts. i.e.

    1. Add New STB : Here we can add all STB.
    2. Import STB : Here we can also import STB.
    3. STB List : Here we can see STB list.

  • In REPAIR STB section, we can view repair STB list.
  • In SETTING section, here you can add information about your company details for STB setting purpose.

Customer Part- In this part we can view, add,import and modify customer list.

Collection Part- In this part there are two sections. They are -


Report Part- Finally in this part there are two sections. They are -

  • In COLLECTION REPORT section,we can view all collection reports.
  • In DUE REPORT section, we can view due report details

Zone/Area/Sub-Area Wise Automatic Customer ID Creation Facility

Our software has zone/area/sub-area wise automatic customer ID creation facility.

Previous Due,STB Due,A-La-Carte Charge,Advance Payment,STB Price Facility

Our software has also previous due,set top box due,A-La-Carte charge,advanced payment and set top box price facility.

Advanced Recognition Technology for Mobile & Bluetooth Thermal Printer

Our software has advanced recognition technology for mobile and thermal bluetooth printer.

Finger Print Login Facility for Mobile Apps

Our software supports finger print facility for mobile apps.

Customized Home Page Design Facility for Web Portal and Android Apps

We provide customized home page design facility for web portal and android apps.

CAS Server Integration Facility for MSO

Our software provides CAS server integration facility for Multi System Operator .

Operator Advance Payment Credit Gateway Facility for MCR/MSOs of NXT Digital

Our software provides, operator advance payment credit gateway facility for Master Control Room/multi System Operator's of NXT digital.

Customer and Operator Ledger Report,GST Analysis Report

Our software provides, customer and operator ledger report and GST analysis report.

Multi-Connection with Multi-Package Facility

Our software provides multi-connection with multi-package facility.

Integration with Other Modules i.e.ISM,DCR and CRM

Our software is also integrated with other modules. Like ISM,DCR and CRM.

User Friendly Unicode Interface for Smart Phones,Tablets,Laptops and Desktops

Our software has user friendly unicode interface for smart phones,tablets,laptops and desktops.

Customized Bill,Reciept,Due Customer Report,Collection Report etc

Our software provides customized bill, reciept, due customer report, collection report etc.

Third party Tharmal Printer Integration Facility

Our software provides third party thermal printer integration facility.

Customer Disconnection and Reconnection Facility

Our software has customer disconnection and reconnection facility.

Export To Excel,PDF,CSV Facility for Customer,STB,Due, Collection Details

Our software has export to excel,pdf,csv facility for customer and stb due, collection details.

Real Time GPS Location Tracking Module for Collectors

Our software has real time GPS location tracking module for collectors.

Automatic Billing System for Customer and Operator

Our software has automatic billing system for both customer and operator.

Invoice System for Customer and Operator

Our software has invoice system for customer and operator.

e-payment Reciept

Our software has e-payment reciept facility.

Mobile Apps for Customer, Collector and Operator

We provide mobile apps for customer,collector and operator.

Auto SMS for Due Payment Reminder

Our software has auto SMS for due payment remainder.

Auto SMS for Payment Reciept Acknowledgement

Our software has also auto SMS for payment reciept acknowledgement.

e-KYC Facility for Customer

Our software has e-kyc facility for customers.

Life Time Software and Apps Update Facility

We provide life time software and apps update facility for our customers.

Lots of other Features as per your requirement

We'll provide lots of other features as per customer's requirement.